When did Neil work with you and for how long?
I worked with Neil at Crispin Porter Bogusky in Miami, FL for about six months. He had been at the company for years prior to my arrival.
Was this freelance or a fulltime relationship? What was Neil's position? Can you describe the job responsibilities?
Neil was a full time employee. He worked as a Sr. Interactive Art Director. His responsibilities were on various clients including Under Armour, vitaminwater and MetLife. On a daily basis he would be handling Interactive design and Art Direction, concepting and pitches
Did Neil miss a lot of work? Was Neil frequently late? Were there any issues you are aware of that impacted Neil's job performance?
No, Neil was very punctual and never missed work.
Did Neil get along well with management and co-workers?
I think Neil was proactive with co-workers and was also able to push what he believed in. Unfortunately, the climate in our workplace was not able to give Neil the adequate feedback that he was looking for.
How did Neil handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress?
Neil is calm under pressure. I never saw him lose his cool.
Can you speak to Neil's software capabilities?
Neil is versed in all major design software.
Would you work with Neil again if the opportunity arose?