QC Professional Reference
Professional Reference: Creative Director, MSI Communications    7/17/2012 9:12:08 PM
When did Roger work with you and for how long?
He worked for me starting 2007. He worked at Merrick Towle for a year with me and then I left.
Was this freelance or a fulltime relationship? What was Roger's position? Can you describe the job responsibilities?
His position was ACD, full-time, he over saw the day-to-day operation in the creative department.
Did Roger miss a lot of work? Was Roger frequently late? Were there any issues you are aware of that impacted Roger's job performance?
I counted heavily on Roger, he was very dependable in his attendance record. There was never any performance issues with Roger.
Did Roger get along well with management and co-workers?
Roger was one of the co-creative directors that ran the agencyafter I left. I recommended Roger be co-creative director.
How did Roger handle conflict? How about pressure? Stress?
He is an excellent leader and handles pressure with ease.
Can you speak to Roger's software capabilities?
It was a long time ago, when I work with him he was very capabile with the creative suites.
Would you work with Roger again if the opportunity arose?
In a New York minute.